Waiting line
Leenea is our system for monitoring and queue management, and it is known as Waiting line system. The main task of this system for the queue is to prevent congestion at the counters and unnecessary standing in lines. Our system allows clients all possible comfort services, as well as functionally forming the order in which the parties are waiting for the required service. With the help of Leenea owner of the system gets an insight into the counter productivity of workers, as well as a precise overview of the number of processed items and other statistical data, thus enhancing job productivity. In the event of downtime, due to the large number of clients on some of the counters, second counter very easily takes the same functionality and resolves needed items. And most importantly, the use of the system queue significantly raises the level of service and creates a more relaxed atmosphere for customers and employees at the counters. It should be noted that Leenea software performs control and management of the overall system. After entering the data on the number of brackets, the number of selection buttons for the functionality, LED display and their functions, feature processing and initial configuration of the system according to the user needs, the system automatically performs most operations. In addition, it is possible to connect with other systems via web services, for example. for integration in the website of the client, so users can report on the current state of the counters. Leenea system is completely modular and perfectly adapts to the user's needs. In this way, information can be combined LED displays, LCD displays, as well as acoustic beacons calls for users and mobile applications for the system queue. Depending on the needs of the user, the console can be made with the required number of buttons and can be in the form of touch applications and the like.